Ayda has 30 years experience coaching everyone from beginners to elite athletes, from children to people in their mid 90s. She has knowledge of many different types of training, periodization training plans, correct form, male/female training, contest prep, as well as yoga, massage therapy and injury recovery. And of course she has in-depth studies in nutrition, dieting and a healthy lifestyle. Add her personal experience as a professional athlete and competitor, and this gives her a complete understanding of what training and nutrition approach is best to achieve whatever health & fitness goals her students may have.
Ayda Page
Dip.C.N., Dip.S.N., CPT, RYT

Degree in Integrative Nutrition
Diploma in Comprehensive Nutrition
Diploma in Sports Nutrition
Advanced Ketogenic Nutrition-ANA
Certified Personal Trainer
Group Training Instructor
High Intensity Training Coach
Mobility Training Specialist
Registered Yoga Teacher
Advanced Pilates Teacher

Personal story

From the busy city of Istanbul Turkey, to the peaceful and tranquil beauty of Molokai Hawaii, Ayda's journey has been one of continual learning and personal growth. Growing up in Istanbul, from an early age she had a happy taste for life and a deep interest and commitment to health and fitness. This led her to pursue a career as a personal trainer, as well as studies in massage, herbal natural therapy, homeopathy, and certifications in Pilates and yoga. As a trainer in Istanbul she worked a lot with celebrities, business leaders, even the mayor, and also held teacher-trainings for other trainers. At the same time she was competing in many running competitions, winning medals in the sprint in international championships while also completing long distance events.
Ayda's professional path has been deeply influenced by a holistic approach to well-being, focusing not only on physical activity but also on the importance of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It was the complex world of nutrition that emerged as the missing link in her quest to be able to offer comprehensive health guidance.
Ayda moved from Istanbul to Vancouver Canada in 2009, and followed that by a transition to Molokai Hawaii in 2013 and ultimately on to Boerne in Texas, in 2024. Each of these moves was a significant milestone in her life, not just geographically but also in her personal and professional development. They were almost leaps of faith, venturing into new places, cultures, and in 2009 a new language as English was not her first language. It was a challenge to adapt to a new country and language but she embraced it.
Ayda loves what she does, and it saddens her so much when she sees that most people in the gym are doing exercises in an inefficient form that can easily lead to injuries, and certainly not lead to seeing the improvement and progress that they want. She always wishes that she could just tell them and show them the correct form! It hurts her equally when she sees people following someone else's diet and just not seeing results.
All of this led Ayda to create the Health Angel programs, to reach as many people as she can and share her own life's and 30+ years work experience with you.

“Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”
— Louise Hay
“If you know but do not do, then you are a very unhappy person indeed.”
— Peace Pilgrim
“Inhale peace, exhale love.”
— Ayda Page

Competition history
Ayda competes regularly in fitness competitions

You've probably heard so many people say “I love what I do”. In my case I can truly say it from my heart. I've competed in sports all my life, but it wasn't so long ago that I really understood that actually I can only ever compete with myself. You are perfect, until compare yourself with someone else,
I started contest prep in 2011, and since then I didn't stop competing. In some competitions I got first place, in some it went not so well, but every competition that I prepared for taught me something more about myself and helped me take the correct direction, which I believe has shaped my work and my life in such a positive way.
When I competed in my first bikini competition I had just moved from my home country Turkey to Canada, and was getting used to the Canadian lifestyle — and, of course, the language too, which was the hardest part for me. I always wanted to do a fitness or bikini competition, but when I was still in Turkey the work and cultural differences made it so hard to do.
So I was in Vancouver BC, working at Steve Nash Fitness Club, and one of my co-workers, who was a competitor herself, asked me “why you are not competing?” I started asking myself and questioning if I could do it? I'd never done anything like it before… Maybe you're asking yourself the same questions right now! Of course I told myself “absolutely, I can''. And my competition journey began!
Each show that I competed in gave me more knowledge about my body, and how I can improve. And yes, I am still competing! You can see a list of all of the competitions that I've competed in further down this page. Of course, it's not easy to correctly identify what's missing with training and nutrition, and this learning process and all of the experiences pushed me to learn more.
I'll warn you right now, it wasn't easy at all. The easiest part was the training, which was already part of my daily life. But posing, dieting, supplementation, getting a bikini, finding a trainer… This was much tougher, not the mention the cost for the registration, jewelry, tanning, hair and make-up, they cost a lot too.
But I wouldn't let anything stop me, and right after my first show — WBFF in May, 2011 — I immediately started looking for the next show to compete in. I was hooked!
I am so happy to be able to help other competitors who are willing to work and improve their mind and health at the same time. My goal is to create healthy and happy bikini competitors who want to challenge themselves and put in the work that needs to be done to reach their goals. There is really no easy way to get there… But there is a smart way.
I look forward to working together and sharing my knowledge with YOU to get you in the best shape of your LIFE!!!!!