Or contact Ayda with any questions
In-person or Online Personal Training
Train in person with Ayda in Boerne TX, or anywhere online
Certified Personal Trainer
Group Training Instructor
High Intensity Training Coach
Mobility Training Specialist
Registered Yoga Teacher
Advanced Pilates Teacher
Degree in Integrative Nutrition
Diploma in Comprehensive Nutrition
Diploma in Sports Nutrition
Advanced Ketogenic Nutrition-ANA

Why do you need a trainer?
Learn the correct form
Prevent injuring yourself
Make a correct plan for your needs
Work on your weaknesses to improve
Learn your own body
Get a training plan that is based on your goals so that even when training without a trainer you will know what to do
Even with just once a month training you get a free training plan for in-between the training sessions
Get results faster
Work smarter
Invest in your health
Train with Ayda 1-on-1 or with friends (2-4 person group)
You are getting 30 years experience

Sign up for training with Ayda

One personal training session with Ayda in Boerne TX.
Currently out of stock

6 sessions one personal training session with Ayda in Boerne TX.
Currently out of stock

12 sessions one personal training session with Ayda in Boerne TX.
Currently out of stock

One online training session with Ayda via Zoom (or another similar online video chat system).