in Kauai Garden Island
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Detox & Healing , Nutrition
Can prolonged fasting help improve our immune system?
Fasting, like exercise, is often seen just as something that we can use for weight loss purposes. Although fasting has been known and practiced for thousands of years. It has been used as a spiritual practice and for healing from diseases and a very beneficial and powerful practice, especially for metabolically unhealthy individuals.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Mindset
How we can improve our mental health
When we talk about health, most of the time we think of physical health. But our mental health is also really an important piece of being healthy as a whole.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Exercise
Exercise is not just a weight loss aid
Many of us think of exercise as a weight loss tool. And that’s partially true. However, exercise has so many benefits beyond simply losing weight.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Detox & Healing , Exercise , Nutrition
How to build and strengthen our bones
As we age, if we are leading a sedentary lifestyle for a longer period then we will lose not only muscle mass but also bone density as well. If we are not getting enough nutrients, or not supplementing with vitamins and minerals, then this could lead to osteoporosis.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Detox & Healing , Exercise
How to age gracefully? The answer is probably not what you think…
We all want to age gracefully and stay healthy and strong as we get older. Aging is inevitable, but some aspects of aging are certainly avoidable and we do not have to accept them. For example...
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Mindset
Are you paying attention to what you already have?
How many people do you know who want to be happy, healthy and live a long life? This might sound like a stupid question, however even when we all want the same thing we don’t really pay much attention to what we already have. So we end up always chasing the next thing that we want.
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive , Weight Loss
How carrying excess weight can negatively affect your health
I think most people would like to live a healthy and happy life for as long a time as possible. And we all instinctively know what we need to do to reach that goal. However, outside temptations...
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 4
Let’s look at natural herbs, which are a very powerful tool to heal and protect ourselves.
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 3
You probably know that some foods are more powerful than others when it comes to helping strengthen our immunity. In this article I’d like to share some foods that might be helpful in fighting any diseases.
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 2
We all want to live a healthy and happy life, free from diseases. Actually, our body is very capable of providing that, unless we are putting stress on the body and forcing it to work harder, rather than taking care of our body and mind. We all have our own immunity which starts with...
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 1
We all want the same thing, to stay healthy and to live as long as possible. However, how many of us really pay close attention to our health?
Nutrition , Exercise , Mindset , Weight Loss , Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive
What are the easiest and quickest weight loss strategies
There are thousands of diet books, hundreds of types of diet, many quick fixes or “fad” diets. All that everyone wants to know is how to lose weight fast, and easily.