in Kauai Garden Island
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 3
You probably know that some foods are more powerful than others when it comes to helping strengthen our immunity. In this article I’d like to share some foods that might be helpful in fighting any diseases.
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 2
We all want to live a healthy and happy life, free from diseases. Actually, our body is very capable of providing that, unless we are putting stress on the body and forcing it to work harder, rather than taking care of our body and mind. We all have our own immunity which starts with...
Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Newsletter Archive
How can we strengthen our body enough to handle disease? Part 1
We all want the same thing, to stay healthy and to live as long as possible. However, how many of us really pay close attention to our health?
Nutrition , Exercise , Mindset , Weight Loss , Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive
What are the easiest and quickest weight loss strategies
There are thousands of diet books, hundreds of types of diet, many quick fixes or “fad” diets. All that everyone wants to know is how to lose weight fast, and easily.
Mindset , Newsletter Archive , Kauai Garden Island
What a year!
Did you notice that every time we approach the end of a year we start to say how fast the year has passed? We often don’t even pay attention to what really happened as most of us live just for the one day that’s in front of us, which...
Nutrition , Weight Loss , Newsletter Archive , Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island
How much do blood sugar levels affect our physical and mental health?
And most importantly, what we can do about it? Most of us know what we need to do to improve our health. We also know what our biggest problems are, with an increasing obesity rate, eating too much fast food, and an increasing number...
Detox & Healing , Mindset , Newsletter Archive , Kauai Garden Island , Weight Loss
Additional benefits for intermittent fasting
I’ve written in many of my columns about time restricted eating and how fasting can be beneficial for improving your health and additionally in helping you lose weight. Fasting is an ancient healing method that has been used for thousands...
Detox & Healing , Newsletter Archive , Kauai Garden Island , Mindset
We can not live without…
Do you know that we all have healing powers? You may think yes, but probably only to a certain degree. I completely agree, although we absolutely can protect ourself and even heal ourself from so many of the health problems that we call...
Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Newsletter Archive , Kauai Garden Island
The most pleasurable way to improve your immune health
In previous articles I have mentioned many ways to improve your immune system and thus maximize your health. Why is this so important? Well, do you know of anything that is more important than your health? We can strengthen our immune...
Nutrition , Weight Loss , Newsletter Archive , Kauai Garden Island
Are we making diets too complicated?
We have been dealing with obesity for a long time. Almost everyone, at some point in their life, tries to lose weight — maybe a few pounds, or maybe 100 pounds. Unfortunately, most likely we will also gain back whatever weight we...
Nutrition , Weight Loss , Newsletter Archive , Kauai Garden Island
Some of the extreme diets that you may not have heard of
I think diets for weight loss is one of the most talked about subjects, and everybody has their own opinion. When I first started to research I realized that actually each one of us has our own special diet, which is basically our own way...
Newsletter Archive , Exercise , Kauai Garden Island
Why do we need muscle? The answer may not be what you think…
We often think that we can not gain muscle as we age, or if we can it will be so hard to do so. Is that true? And why do you think it’s so important to have sufficient amounts of muscle, especially as we age?