in Detox & Healing

Newsletter Archive , Detox & Healing , Nutrition
The surprising benefits of baking soda!
We all use baking soda for cooking, some of you may sometimes use it for cleaning too. But actually you can use it in so many other ways, and it is incredibly effective! I use (aluminum free) baking soda: For washing clothes —...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Weight Loss , Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive
Don’t count calories, count nutrients!
I love listening to podcasts or audiobooks while running. I recently listened to the Sigma Nutrition Podcast with Danny Lennon. I really like it...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Weight Loss , Kauai Garden Island
How to naturally improve thyroid function
The thyroid controls hormones and can affect nearly every cell in the body. It plays a major role in regulating metabolic rate, your body’s rate of energy production. And it’s also part of the endocrine system, which plays a vital role...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Exercise , Kauai Garden Island
How to naturally strengthen your immune system
We all know that consuming lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits and regular exercise are the most important steps for keeping a healthy body and mind. But some foods and vitamins are especially important to support the healthy functioning

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Weight Loss , Kauai Garden Island
How does the immune system really work?
Do you often get colds or experience fatigue, muscle aches, sinus infections and digestion difficulties? Immune problems have all been linked to inappropriate nutrition — which is different for each of us, because we are each individually u

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island
Why a low sodium diet might be harmful
You may have heard before that if you want to lose weight, you need to cut three whites from your diet — sugar, salt and flour. Many sources will tell you that high consumption of sugar can cause diabetes, metabolic syndrome and many other

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Mindset , Kauai Garden Island
Why do I choose to not consume meat?
What type of food you want to eat should depend on what your body needs. We are indeed what we eat — you have a mechanism inside you that turns the food that you eat into your human body. I believe that if you listen to your body well then...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island
One of the most important minerals in your body
Magnesium is one of the major minerals. Almost two-thirds of the population worldwide (and 68% of Americans) do not get enough magnesium from their diet to reach the recommended daily intake.The essential minerals are nutrients that...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Kauai Garden Island
Should you drink coffee on empty stomach?
Do you consume coffee first thing in the morning? Coffee is a strong antioxidant, and has many possible health benefits that can include protecting against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, liver cancer, and promoting...

Detox & Healing , Exercise , Kauai Garden Island
Exercise for your Blood Type
Do you know your blood type? Why is it even important? Dr Peter D'Adamo is a naturopathic physician who is also an author, researcher and educator. In 1997 he made a significant contribution to understanding the clinical importance of...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Weight Loss , Mindset , Kauai Garden Island
The most simple thing you can do for your health
We are all searching for weight loss tips, or how to help with digestion issues, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and all connected health problems. But actually there is something we can do to improve our health — and it’s so simple...

Nutrition , Detox & Healing , Weight Loss , Kauai Garden Island
Too much added sugar does not just make you fat, it will also make you sick!
I’ve spoken a few times in my blog about how important it is to consume non-processed and real food. 80% of your diet should come from single ingredient and nutrient dense food. Especially over-consuming added sugar can really have negative