in Exercise
Kauai Garden Island , Exercise
Does the type of cardio matter?
Cardio can be defined in many ways, you can be doing resistance training in a cardio fashion, such as lighter weights with high repetitions, or you can be dancing, gardening or cleaning the house. Essentially, anything that increases the heart rate for a certain period of time could be “cardio”.
Kauai Garden Island , Nutrition , Exercise
Can you gain strength with intermittent fasting?
If you find the title of this column interesting then probably you already have some experience with intermittent fasting, or you know about it and want to try it. Intermittent fasting (IF) has become very popular in the last few years. You may have heard some amazing success stories but maybe also some not so positive results as well.
Kauai Garden Island , Exercise
How to improve bone health with exercise
Most people know what they need to do to lose weight, although applying the knowledge can still be tricky. However, it's very hard to know what you can do to improve your bone health. We have probably all heard that calcium is very important for our bones, which is true, but getting enough calcium in your diet alone might be not enough.
Exercise , Kauai Garden Island
Are you too old to start exercising — Part 2, Exercise
When we think of exercise we may often think of going to some facility such as a community center or a gym. Although if you are not able (or do not want) to go somewhere like that then there is plenty that you can do at home, even if you don't have any equipment...
Exercise , Kauai Garden Island
Are you too old to start exercising — Part 1, Introduction
You may be thinking that you are too old to start exercising. Or maybe even that you simply can't do exercises any more, it's just too hard. But is that really true?
Nutrition , Exercise , Mindset , Kauai Garden Island
How exercise can help you to eat healthier
I think we all know that exercise is very important for our health and wellbeing. But I want to draw your attention to one specific benefit which many people may not be aware of — and that is how exercise can help you eat better.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Exercise , Mindset , Detox & Healing
Immune health markers that you should know
How do you know if you have strong immunity? Having experienced a couple of very challenging years, many of us may be questioning our lifestyle and paying more attention to how we can improve our health. Immunity has become one of the most important biomarkers that we need to think about.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Exercise , Mindset
How other people’s achievements can affect us
I think we all like to read, watch or hear about someone else’s success story. Our brain actually loves to hear inspiring stories, especially if the story has emotions attached to it, and...
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Exercise
Movement for longevity
If we’re younger we probably can’t really picture ourself being 80 years old, or if we’re slim we maybe can’t fully sympathize with individuals struggling with excess bodyweight, probably we can’t even imagine many of the challenges that they will face. Of course maybe you don’t need to right now, yet if we don’t do anything...
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Nutrition , Mindset , Detox & Healing , Exercise
How to naturally reduce and heal lower back pain
Lower back pain is unfortunately a very common health issue. It is also multifactorial, which means that finding the real cause can be very challenging, which of course will also affect and often delay treatment.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Detox & Healing , Exercise , Mindset , Nutrition , Weight Loss
How can new technology help improve your health and well-being?
Technology is improving every day, we are starting to see so many fitness tracking devices, even ones that track your sleep too. And many of these can actually be really great tools to help you realize how much activity you are doing each day, as well to understand the quality of your sleep.
Kauai Garden Island , Newsletter Archive , Exercise
Exercise is not just a weight loss aid
Many of us think of exercise as a weight loss tool. And that’s partially true. However, exercise has so many benefits beyond simply losing weight.